Hiring your First Team: What to Watch For
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 14 January, 2019
Outsourcing these days has become the standard for a lot of industries. There are plenty of outsourcing companies from countries like Philippines and Fiji, and if you are new to this, it can be a bit hard looking for a team who can be depended on to manage company tasks. Here are some of the pointers you need to remember before employing one.
Outsourcing Jobs
Almost any job can be outsourced, but the tasks that you need to outsource are the ones you do not have time for, time-consuming tasks or tasks that you are not skilled at. But by delegating those responsibilities to an efficient team, you can actually boost your productivity since you will be focusing on more important tasks.
Looking for Assistance
If you want the help of a virtual assistant, a quick search in Google, job seeker portals in target outsourcing countries like Philippines of Fiji or Craigslist will help you in your pursuit. You can also check out outsourcing forums for the best companies.
The most effective method still is through word-of-mouth. Excellent clients will work with a company and team with similar values. Thus, if you want a capable team whom you can trust with your business’ responsibilities, just ask a colleague or peer in your line of work who have dependable outsourcing people for a referral. The referral is beneficial for both the client and the outsourcing team since both parties, of course, want to work with somebody they can trust.
Conditions Needed
Clients must inform the team that any work accomplished by the team is exclusive and will remain their intellectual property. Clients should also see to it that they always set their expectations as to what the team is only obligated of them.
The client must settle what they expect of the team to perform their assignments. This will guarantee a solid relationship between those parties. The client should also set objectives and keep the team focused on them to certify that the staff will comply with the mission and vision of the company.
Building trust in your team is also another important aspect. You and your team need to work, listen to each other and accomplish goals together. Team members should be willing to delegate and work in order to reach a common goal.
Trusting Outsourcing Companies
Part of the hiring process is doing some background check. Do not forget to request for references from previous superiors of the candidate. You can conduct employer interviews on Skype or Eyebeam. The information you can garner from former employers will immensely help you in choosing potential members of your outsourcing team. Whether a good or bad track record—the information will be available for your assessing.
If you want your outsourcing team to be a successful bunch, it is crucial for every client to guarantee that they handle their staff effectively. Your team of virtual assistants can make your business grow or decline, so choose wisely among candidates, and build a solid, friendly relationship with your team.