Jiowana takes pride in her accomplishments of having a full-time job while pursuing her diploma in Banking and being a mom as well.

A Day In The Life Of Jiowana, Greymouse Collections Coordinator
Published by: Greymouse Marketing | 15 September, 2022

She believes that both her work experience and education are valuable in her professional journey, especially her continued education which she regards as vital to creating a progressive career path.
As a Collections Coordinator in Greymouse, she is assigned the following tasks:
• | Allocate cash received and reconcile accounts |
• | Manage AR reports |
• | Investigate payments |
• | Prepare detailed account statements for customers on hold |
• | Collect overdue 30-day accounts |
• | Approve and apply credits on accounts |
• | Resolve customer queries by coordinating with internal staff |
• | Manage A/R meetings |
“It’s been a year but I still want to achieve more measurable results in regards to the AR, and the opportunity to develop a new skill set,” Jiowana says when asked what she looks forward to.
Every day, she would recite her favourite mantra by Elbert Hubbard, which is “The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” For Jiowana, it is important to make small goals that will eventually help achieve weekly goals that accumulate and turns into monthly goals. “Pair this with tracking your progress and looking through your previous progress will surely put a smile on your face.” There is no secret to becoming who she is now but just doing it. “Do it [then,] for any accomplishment— big or small, whether it gets acknowledged or not, reward yourself.”
When asked what she thinks is vital for a good workplace, she tells us that it is vital to maintain a purposeful work environment and culture.
“[This is why] my favourite thing about this job is [being able to] work with people across the globe in different timezones with the common goal of retaining clients and reducing the AR.” She considers reliability as one of the important characteristics at work. “[It is important that we have the] dedication, teamwork, independence, leadership and integrity. [During decision making], gather all the available information at hand, study it and compare it with your past notes. You can also consult with the team if necessary before you come up with the decision.” Jiowana views this as crucial to avoiding workplace disappointment.
“Greymouse taught me to how I can manage my workflow and productivity without relying so much on anyone.”
All these tips helped her enhance her confidence and initiative around the office. Jiowana believes that with decades of experience, Greymouse will do well in the future.