5 Traits That Can Turn Talents Into Rockstars
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 7 October, 2017
If you have these people in your roster who are willing to go the extra mile, who unerringly concoct new tricks and ideas, and who put in more than what is needed, you are a lucky boss. You might be wondering, “What are the characteristics that my talents should have for them to become rockstars?”
I came up with these top 5 traits of successful talents.
Eagerness to learn
It feels great to have someone in your department who is very much eager to learn. The willingness to learn is a common denominator among high-performing talents. Whether it’s an advanced skill relevant to his field or otherwise, it could improve your department at any cost. The thirst for knowledge opens unlimited possibilities of growth both personally and professionally.
Determined talents get thing done well. And they don’t complain. You don’t hear ‘no’ as an answer from them. What sets these people apart is that they can carry out tasks without even missing a beat. Having said that, there are usually the best go-to persons in terms of crucial projects.
Zeal to step up
An efficient talent doesn’t get satisfied with maintaining the status quo. He never stops looking for ways on how to improve his professional worth while stepping up to achieving the goals of the company. Successful talents are always enthusiast to learn new things and grow unceasingly.
The lack of negativity is also crucial among your workforce. If you’ve got pessimist people in your department, they tend to seek out issues, inflate them and a serious problem comes up. On the other hand, the optimists know how to minimise issues and concentrate on achieving the brightest future that they can see. These are the people who don’t bother about their personal problems when they’re inside the office and focus on everything that has to be done.
Humility and eagerness to ask
Just because you ask doesn’t mean that you don’t know much. It means that you accept the need to learn more things. These people understand that they don’t need to accomplish success on their own, so they ask for help from other team members. Also, they don’t brag about their accomplishments because they recognise that humility inspires other to move forward, too.
Nothing beats a successful talent who have these traits at workplace. Luckily, these characteristics can be nurtured. It’s a combination of the person’s willingness and the leader’s ability to make the difference.