Transparency In Your Business Is Important
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 27 August, 2018
Business Dictionary defines transparency as the “lack of hidden agendas and conditions, accompanied by the availability of full information required for collaboration, cooperation, and collective decision making.”
True enough, transparency is a necessitated move to have all essential data and transactions accessible to everyone, from your employees to the customers. On a general perspective, it is a concept that we want from others as much as we want for ourselves to have – for us to be totally honest with what we do in order to avoid negative speculations and ultimately forge a genuine trust.
Indeed, transparency equates with trust. People strongly depend on a business that is not hiding something from them or disregards a vocal connection. The good thing is, it is always attainable.
Transparency in cost
A Forbes article expounded the result of a new research which shows that by itemizing the cost to produce a specific item such as its raw materials and production processes, consumers become more attracted to the brand and is likely to purchase.
In doing such, a business opens a window for their customers to understand the thorough preparation and provision of quality products and services. In return, the latter can be appreciative of the business more.
Similarly, we do not want our customers to think of us as entities that desire nothing but profits and thus, it is important to give them a clear picture of how efforts and resources are exerted to serve them with quality.
Transparency in service to be delivered
Let’s face it: there are meticulous clients who do not simply settle with what is in front of them and are too inquisitive to know how we do our job or what truly happens behind the scene. It may seem annoying or unwarranted. However, it is not a matter of heeding to their request. Rather, it is doing an imperative responsibility to our clients.
This is observable in a number of common practices like carefully preparing and presenting your terms and conditions in a clear manner or through having useful documentation such as user’s manuals readily available especially online. And in today’s digital age where transactions are already done using automated systems, data protection is now a big deal. With that, it is vital to implement measures to preserve the privacy of information.
Avoiding false and unrealistic expectations
In order to appear important and captivate attention, some businesses boast dishonest expectations. There is nothing wrong with going beyond what you can do. However, fooling people is another thing.
Honesty is still the best policy. If you are not confident with attaining an objective, do not shove lies to your customers. Refrain from advertising services that are far from what you can actually provide. At the end of the day, what truly matters is the expectation that was met, not the expectation that died in vain.
In order to preserve a fruitful relationship with your clients, trust needs to be preserved between the both of you. One step to take is integrating transparency in your day-to-day process. Being truthful does not just make you a relevant name today but also a dependable individual in the long run.