How to Provide a Great Customer Experience
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 7 August, 2018
In doing business, the last thing you would want is losing your valuable customers. Now that almost every single selling idea is present and being shared by many providers, people find it easier to pick a better side and keep themselves from wasting their precious time and money in a worthless service.
Despite avoiding the urge to pull the clichéd “the customer is always right” card because meeting the wrong ones are somehow inevitable, it always boils down to knowing that they are at the top of our priority.
Here are a few points to keep in mind and can be considered for practice in order to start or keep a long-lasting relationship with your beloved patrons.
Listen, not hear
Don’t just hear what your customer is trying to express. Listen instead. Remember, there is a huge gap between hearing their sentiments and being able to listen to them. By this, I mean not just opening your ears but also placing their words in your mind.
Pay attention to their concern. Understand their emotion. This two-way process can lead to something better such as improvement of the quality of your service or simply how well people see you as a trustworthy name in your field.
“Customers and employees are talking, sharing feedback and opinions, and companies are listening intently for opportunities to capitalize on what they learn,” says Shep Hyken in a Forbes article.
“Brands that listen well respond by doing something with the information.”
Stay connected
In today’s era where many invest in obtaining an online presence, the void between a business and its customers is gradually narrowed. Hence, monitoring the latter’s experience has been made easier and real-time. On the other hand, customers now feel an inch closer knowing that communicating with you can now be done through a few clicks in their smartphone or computer.
In the light of this revolutionary connection, I recommend having an accommodating and responsive website, social media page, or email account that gives assistance to people both in a professional and friendly manner.
Don’t get me wrong: the conventional communication channels we used to use like telephones or even carefully written letters are still an effective tool. It doesn’t matter which manner is implemented, as long as it is easy to be managed by both sides.
Be prompt and positive
Once you have set up all possible approaches, the next thing you need to have is a quick manner of responding to the customer. Make sure to answer an email within 24 hours or less, if possible. Take a call nicely no matter how irate the person on the other line is. You can’t kill a fire with another fire.
In such cases, try to keep your composure and avoid to worsen their anger. You might want to pick the appropriate language to ease the situation and aim to be patient in accepting their position in circumstances. As for positive feedback, accept them with full gratitude and ensure them with a progress in your service anew.
Doing this leaves them with a good impression as they will feel important knowing that you are more than enthusiastic to address their needs or act on their grievance.
Run the extra mile
This is what most business fail to do. Sometimes, they feel complacent with their usual operation or upon finishing a daily routine without having the drive to step their game up.
Customers may feel bored experiencing the same old service over and over again. Hence, it is necessary to provide them more than what they expect.
In the end, the best way to know how they feel is to put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself, “is this the kind of service I want to receive?” Yes, you are a business owner, but you can still be a customer in one way or another. Thereby, determining the answer to such question won’t be that hard.