High Performance Teams: How They’re Made
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 4 September, 2018
Many imply that high performing teams are just lucky anomalies inside an organization. But a study by Zenger Folkman found compelling evidence that productive teams are a result of intentional actions. They tested 15 leadership behaviours and then translated that to factors that describe these behaviours. The results?
Leaders who were rated low on the tested parameters only had 15% commitment rate from team members. On the other hand, leaders who scored high on the same set of metrics had 71% of their team members registering high commitment levels.
You can influence teams so that it performs better! You can shape your leadership approach so that you can get the best out of your teams.
Inspiring leaders
Great leaders pull, not push. They do not have the entitlement disease, instead, they lead by example. They do not just issue directives but they inspire people to work harder than they normally do. Inspiring leaders are energy “machines” – they create a vibe of enthusiasm. The team responds in kind. They work harder for a cause they strongly feel about. They are self-motivated and that’s why they do more, innovate more.
They eat conflict management for breakfast
Performing teams do not make a fuss out of petty things. The leaders of these highly effective teams also have a sense of urgency in settling conflicts. The maturity of the team combined with the leader’s direct approach to fixing internal disputes makes the team stronger over time. They do not allow conflict to tear them apart, instead, they leverage on it to improve their communication, they use this to reinforce trust inside the team.
They aim for the “impossible”
High performing teams have a love affair with challenging goals. Leaders who strategically stretch objectives are breeding teams that are used to achieving the impossible. As a result, they ace through the hardest tasks. Why? They are confident in what they can do. They understand the importance of doing out-of-the-ordinary things. This impacts their psyche so work satisfaction is naturally high.
They see the prize
The most productive teams set their eyes on the big prize. They have the passion to make it to the end simply because they see the vision clearly. Leaders who always remind their teams of what is at stake will often get a better response from their people. They are more focused, they do not get easily distracted, they work with the end in mind. A team with a purpose always do more at the end of the day.
Micromanaging what?
Do you want to have high performing teams in your business? Trust your leaders. Do not just delegate things – empower people to complete projects. Give them big goals, let them know you are confident with what they can do. In fact, letting them fail is a big part of their development as leaders. Never micromanage, never let them feel you are afraid they will break something.
Give out your marching orders, be clear on the things they need to deliver and let them work. When they fail, coach them, clarify the instruction, and let them do it again, with the same message: “I trust you, this is easy, you can do it, LEAD!”
High performing teams are not freaks of nature. They are forged by your own leadership decisions. Empower your leaders, create space for these teams to perform, provide the needed support, and see them soar!