How To Get Your Customers To Love Your Business
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 16 October, 2017
When running a business, your job should go beyond just sales talk. You should know how to make your clients ‘more’ than just clients to you. Here’s how to make them return and even be enthusiast advocates for your business.
Be authentic
According to branding experts, wanting to be liked by your clients can actually devalue the currency of your trust. You should know that the first surefire step to building a trustworthy business is authenticity. It means getting to know how to cease trying to appeal to everyone and focus on those who you think will love achieving amazing success.
Every healthy relationship requires an open line of communication; and the relationship that exists between your business and customers is no excuse. Before you do all the marketing speeches, take time to listen to your clients’ need. Whether it’s the availability to speak to them on a live chat or the ability to live-track the progress of any job, letting your clients know that you listen means that you are earning their trust. And you must keep doing that!
Involve your customers
Great brand leaders actively facilitate and encourage customers to be part of the product or service process. For instance, if you are into graphic design niche, you should include your customers in customising the design. It’s brilliant to ask their vote for the colours or any features that they particularly want. This way, they would feel a stronger sense of affinity with your products and services and with your business as a whole. Another good trick to facilitate this process is through getting instant feedback via social media.
Rethink the worth of your customers
Actually, you don’t have to have bulks of sales just to prove that your clients love your brand. Sometimes, it’s all about the recommendations they pass on to others which are considered a great bonus for your business. A one-time purchase with few repeat customers means that the quality of your service is impressive.
Start a conversation
Again and again- content is king! Hence, make sure to produce email marketing campaigns, social media, blogs and web content in order to improve your brand’s visibility. Creating content for your brand needs serious thought and is a time-heavy job that must be tackled by the experts.
Share your stories
Don’t you get tired of those “buy my product/service” messages? Well, your clients do. It’s not a good idea to bombard them with hard-sell campaigns. Instead, you can share entertaining posts on social media. Let your customers know about your stories. Inspire them to make a difference in their lives, more than selling what you’ve got.
Don’t see your business as a faceless entity that is only meant to earn money from your customers. Let your brand become a fun and life-changing way to connect to customers.