Take the Leap or Look First? What To Do
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 2 July, 2018
Here it goes.
In the beginning, there was darkness, and after a day, light came in. And until there, came this man, he was lonely but he finally got a companion. And so on. They became four people. Millions of years later, there are 9.5 billion people on earth making machines, getting houses, making more people, growing up and learning that life is strange etcetera. This world was built with people and they innovated. So, how did this happen?
Work isn’t done alone, especially the kind of work that pays and has outputs. If you think about it, work is quite systematic.
In the business world, a successful task is accomplished by a group of people. Like what they said, two heads are better one. Even if you’re the Alexander the Great of your industry, you still need soldiers to conquer great fortune.
In reality, businessmen are so keen to do things on their own – doing all the bookkeeping, marketing, sales and operations. Isn’t it great to ask for a little helping hand? Then, why is it so hard?
Studies show that the most common thing humans have with each other is pride, most often it does more harm than good. So stop for a moment and think, “Why haven’t I asked for help?” or “Why is it so hard to ask for help?” Sometimes you’re standing just there, staring at the person who you already know, someone you’ve known your whole life and hesitate “Should I be doing this?” And then you take one step forward – almost there, then you back out. Sometimes literally or figuratively.
It’s hard because you are a man/ woman of integrity and you need to learn for yourself. But when things get rough and fall rock bottom, you will look back and think “I should’ve listened to my instinct to ask for help.”
So here is a choice:
Will you forget all of those excuses or reason that tell you asking for help is something embarrassing or that it shows weakness and it’s incompetent and needy?
Will you have your business fail? All that effort and time and money gone to waste because of that sin, present in everyone but can be controlled called arrogance, get the hold of you.
Especially if you just started, don’t take the leap, look first and you need help doing so.