A DAY IN THE LIFE: Alisi, Customer Service Manager
Published by: Greymouse Marketing | 9 April, 2021
“Don’t worry about being successful, just work towards being significant, and the success will naturally follow”… By Alisi
One of Alisi’s proudest accomplishments is being with Greymouse for more than 10 years now. She started as a virtual assistant with Balloonaversal Entertainment. Among her many tasks were:
• Answering calls and emails
• Handling bookings, invoicing, and a lot more in Xero.
• Handling client accounts through the use of Xero software
• Collecting payments for the customers
• Ensuring that all bookings are properly booked with the correct and accurate details
• Ensuring that artists are well-informed and ready for the upcoming event.
Alisi thinks that aside from having great communication skills, being versatile and passionate, having attention to detail is also paramount when at work. This is how she got promoted to being a Customer Service Manager where she looks after the department and ensures that all the clients are well assisted by the Virtual Assistant team. She is also assigned to overlook the IT department in terms of Customer Service.
When asked about the favourite thing about her job, Alisi said that it was taking the challenge, working on it, and starting to love what she does and delivers every day.
“The team and the nature of the clients is the best part of working at Greymouse. I love the outsourcing model that we have. It falls in my lifestyle and is in my blood now. GM is part of my life now and waking up each day, knowing that I have to be here at work and with the team kept me going.”
She always keeps in mind each time she comes to work that the day has to be productive for her and the team and as much as possible free of issues and errors.
“Under promise and over deliver as Marisa always say.”
Alisi believes that experience is vital because it was what took her through the years and it is what made her gain greater knowledge. She hopes that Greymouse will grow and extend in various parts of the world and thrive with a greater skilled workforce in the Outsourcing Industry.
Alisi ends the interview with a reminder: Assumptions are the termites of relationships.