“Multi-tasking, soft skills, and the ability to work in teams are must-haves for design professionals”

A Day In The Life of Joy, Graphic Designer
Published by: Greymouse Marketing | 18 October, 2021

When people come and ask Joy what she does for a living, what she really wants to do is just show them. For Joy, graphic design is about finding the best way to apply your inspiration daily, may it be through posters, branding, typography, videos, and more. Her day at Greymouse as a Graphic Designer— coming up with ideas and bringing them to life.
Graphic design is really important for marketing. You have to make use of it so you would be able to establish credibility when building your brand. This helps create a powerful impression, personality, and unique identity for your business. That is why it is important for graphic designers to consistently learn; it can be daunting, but it is compulsory to keep up with an industry that evolves almost every day.
Alongside being a Graphic Designer, Joy also does Social Media Management. “My favourite thing about the job is helping our clients build their brands as well as put up ads.” In addition to that, she also mentioned working with a great team and a company that envisions a better life for the employees. “I also love the creative process— coming up with new ideas, new ways, and getting familiar with these new perspectives.
Joy considers her family as her biggest motivation. “They are my biggest source of inspiration and my strongest supporters as well.” She also thinks effort recognition and getting satisfactory feedbacks from her clients help in boosting her determination. “Align your energy with your priorities in life.” She advised as she points out that having the passion for work and being committed to her success and of the team are important characteristics one should have in the profession. She adds that having technical knowledge and training is essential but being able to think outside the box is also important as it helps in generating creative ideas and design concepts.
“Be observant of the world around you. You’ll be amazed how many things you start to see and how seemingly disconnected things can come together when working on a design project.”
The key to great ideas is not only having them, it is also executing them. To be a good graphic designer takes a lot of practice and it’s more than what you can even fathom as you’re starting. Along with these challenges, working on Graphic Design also has a lot of great reasons. If you’re imaginative and have a keen sense of details, it could be the perfect job for you.
“We all make decisions every day. When it comes to crucial choices [that affects the team], start from the bottom and up and get their input and suggestions as well.” Joy sees Greymouse as an important agent in changing the lives of their clients and employees for the better. Because the employees are well-trained and skilled, it creates certainty in giving out competent outputs. She considers her learnings and experiences as equally valuable elements in ensuring success in the career path you are taking.
“The secret to getting to where you’ve got to go is surrounding yourself with the right people who let you see things from a different perspective.” This is what makes her work at Greymouse, the proudest accomplishment so far.
“Work doesn’t feel like work at all. I love what I am doing. I’ve always loved doing artistic things and so I am happy that my profession is related to my passion.
There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one we aim for.”