Growing Your Business And Virtual Team In 3 Ways – Greymouse
Published by: Marisa Wiman | 25 December, 2017
Hiring your first virtual assistant is just the beginning of your VA journey. As your business grows, adding more members to your virtual workforce is inevitable. Now, this may be a very intimidating step especially if you’re a start-up business owner, but it doesn’t have to be! With the help of VAs, it is now very easy to expand your team and get your business in the fast lane.
So where do you start?
Create additional income streams
Expanding your team also means having an opportunity to expand your revenue streams. With multiple talents helping you out with your daily tasks, you are now free to open up an additional business branch or add another service to your roster.
When I started my own company my focus was to provide virtual assistance in the form of virtual receptionists to small and medium-sized companies. However, I quickly realized that aside from having a team of VRs, I could also start another department that other entrepreneurs might be interested in. And voila, our IT services department was born! Within a short while, we were able to generate revenue from our new line of services and re-expand by opening another department.
This only goes to show how simple it is to create revenue streams once you have a team of professional talents to help you out. You simply have to identify what else you can offer to your clientele list and build a virtual team that can do that. With an unlimited pool of online talent, you can diversify your business in so many ways and generate more income.
Let VAs support customer trend
Although you may have primarily hired a VA to help you with mundane tasks and isolated projects, you don’t necessarily have to stick to that reason alone. An excellent reason to get more VAs under your wing is to have a team who can be hands-on and cater to your customer’s needs. By having a group of people who understand what your customers want, you can easily diversify the skill set of your current virtual team.
In my company, our service packages being offered on our website are all inspired by the needs of our clients. We noticed how we always get content diversification work where our client would want a blog, some graphic works, and a Podcast based on the video they already recorded themselves. That gave us the idea for our Expansion Pack offer – multiple contents made by multiple VAs with specific skills.
Once you understand the needs of your market, it will be easy to deliver it. After all, you have the world to source talents from!
Access a bigger market
With the advent of the internet, everything is a single button away. How can you use this to your advantage? Simple: study your products and services and find out how you can serve more people in different territories worldwide. If you have an online shop, perhaps it’s time to pursue a niche market in China – and then hire Chinese speaking VAs to help rake in sales and also do customer support.
Never settle in your current market. Nobody is stopping you from selling to the world and expanding, so don’t be afraid to expand and reach out. The best part is you do not even have to have an office in the country you want to operate in. You just need a remote workforce that can help your business scale up in that part of the world. How awesome is that?
Growing and surviving in business today is about adapting fast to changes in your industry. Abuse this by making virtual talents a part of your business strategy. Grow your business, increase your revenue, and plan your expansion – all these are possible (and so much easier!) by simply hiring top-notch virtual assistants.